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Alexander the Great from Britain to Southeast Asia: Peripheral Empires in the Global Renaissance. Oxford University Press, 2019.

Literature and the Politics of Family in Seventeenth-Century England. Cambridge University Press, 2007; paperback reprint, 2009.



Edited Volume


Editor, Transcultural Networks in the Indian Ocean, 16th-18th Centuries: Europeans and Indian Ocean Societies in Interaction, special issue of Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 48.2 (July 2015): 119-340 (221 pages; Ng, “Introduction,” 119-129).




 “Indian Interpreters in the Making of Colonial Historiography: New Light on Mark Wilks's Historical Sketches of the South of India,” English Historical Review (2019), forthcoming.


 “Milton, Buchanan, and King Arthur,” Review of English Studies (2019). 

 “Resistance,” in A Cultural History of Western Empires, vol. 3, The Renaissance, ed. Ania Loomba, gen. ed. Antoinette Burton, Bloomsbury Cultural History series (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018), 181-202.


 “Genealogical Memory: Constructing Female Rule in Seventeenth-Century Aceh,” in Gendered Temporalities in the Early Modern World, ed. Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 135-57.

 “Bare-forked Animals: King Lear and the Problems of Patriarchalism.” Family Politics in Early Modern Literature, ed. Hannah Crawford and Sarah Lewis (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), 173-190.

 “Spenser’s Erotic Refusals,” in The Erotics of Memory in Shakespeare’s England, ed. John Garrison and Kyle Pivetti (New York: Routledge, 2016), 192-206.

 “Speaking Transnationally: Early Modern European Cross-Cultural Exchanges with Islamic Southeast Asia,” Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 48.2 (July 2015): 289-313.


 “The Alexander Romance in Southeast Asia: Wonder, Islam, and Knowledge of the World,” in Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages: Transcultural Perspectives, ed. Markus Stock and Stefanie Schmitt (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015), 104-122.


 “Global Souvenirs: Bridging East and West in the Malay Alexander Romance,” special issue on The Global Middle Ages, ed. Geraldine Heng and Lynn Ramey, Literature Compass 11/7 (2014), 395-408.


 “Hobbes and the Bestial Body of Sovereignty,” in Feminist Interpretations of Thomas Hobbes, ed. Nancy Hirschmann and Joanne Wright (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012), 83-101 (hardback and paperback).


 “Dutch Wars, Global Trade, and the Heroic Poem: Dryden’s Annus Mirabilis (1666) and Amin’s Sya’ir Perang Mengkasar (1670),” Modern Philology 109.3 (February 2012): 352-84.


 “Pirating Paradise: Alexander the Great, Dutch East Indies, and Satanic Empire in Milton’s Paradise Lost,” Milton Studies 52 (2011): 59-91.


 “The Frontiers of Twelfth Night,” in Early Modern England and Islamic Worlds, ed. Bernadette Andrea and Linda McJannet (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), 173-96.


 (with Kenneth Hodges) “Saint George, Islam, and Regional Courts in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” Studies in the Age of Chaucer 32 (2010): 257-94.


 “Global Renaissance: Alexander the Great and Early Modern Classicism from the British Isles to the Malay Archipelago,” Comparative Literature 58.4 (Fall 2006): 293-312.


 “Marriage and Discipline: The Place of Women in Early Quaker Controversies,” The Seventeenth Century 18.1 (2003): 113-40.


 “Delariviere Manley’s Almyna and Dating the First Edition of the English Arabian Nights’ Entertainments,” English Language Notes 40.3 (2003): 19-26.


 “Women's Utopic Impulses in Buchi Emecheta's Destination Biafra,” Martin Japtok, ed., Postcolonial Perspectives on Women Writers from the U.S., the Caribbean, and Africa. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press (2003), pp. 275-300.


 “Translation, Interpretation and Heresy: The Wycliffite Bible, Tyndale's Bible and the Contested Origin,” Studies in Philology 98.3 (2001): 315-38.


 “Amelia Lanyer and the Politics of Praise,” ELH 67.2 (2000): 433-451.


 “Chin Kee Onn's Ma-rai-ee and the Narration of the Malayan Nationalist Subject in the Aftermath of the Pacific War,” Journal of Commonwealth Literature 34.1 (1999): 85-102.



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